How to shrink the SQL transaction log on a d365 dev environment
All of the MIME types included by default with IIS 7.
Windows has always lacked a graphical user interface for the Regsvr32 program. Although this is not a problem with the vast majority of Windows end-users, it is of great concern to us developers who have to struggle with the omnipresent "Dll Hell", when developing ActiveX controls. We've created a free C++ (MFC) utilty that allows you to register and unregister components using a graphical interface.
When trying to install certain .msi files on newer Windows operating systems you might get the following error: "You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation". This article explains how to circumvent the error.
WPF lacks the implementation of a class similar to the System.Drawing.HatchBrush that was present in Windows Forms. This Visual Basic .Net code shows you how to implement your own Hatch Drawing Class in WPF.